The History of the Alaska Railroad

Winding its way through rugged mountains, cavernous valleys, thick forests, and miles of untamed wilderness, the Alaska Railroad is truly a one of a kind operation. For railfans though, it’s uniqueness extends well beyond its geography.  Establishment of the Alaska Railroad While railroad building was prolific across most of North America during the 1800s, Alaska …


Era Focus: Modeling the Transitional Age

Era Overview The Transitional Age (1940-1970) was an era of contrasts, struggles, and massive technological developments. Beginning at the start of World War Two, railroading’s future was looking up. Following a slow but steady decline in passenger revenues during the previous decade (thanks to the development of the automobile) passenger and freight numbers bounced back …


5 Easy Maintenance Tips for Smooth Operation

One of the great things about model railroading is the ever-increasing durability of available products. Most new or recent locomotives, rolling stock, and track, will likely yield many years of enjoyable use, with minimal maintenance required. However, to ensure a long lifespan for your collection, some basic TLC will always be needed. By keeping on …