No-Such Turned Fantasy

The great divide between tin-plate “toy trains” and scale model railroading commenced in the early 1930s and had firmly galvanized by 1950, with true scale being the champion winner. The lone wolf that effectively spoke to each sector was Frank Ellison, writer for Model Builder Magazine, who spearheaded efforts to add scale realism to tinplate …

The Winning Loser – Pennsylvania Railroad Class S-2

Pennsylvania Railroad Class S-2 It was positioned to forecast modern railroad motive power and to remind the world that the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) had not lost its way. It also gave steam locomotive builders and coal mining interests promise that their respective markets would not be decimated by the new Diesel-Electric locomotives that showed early …

The Importance of Electric Power

Industry experts acclaim that the mammoth electrification of the Pennsylvania Railroad was one of the last great adventures of traditional railroading with good reason. Immediately after this project was completed in 1938 (but hopes lingered about future expansion until 1960), the railroad industry struggled under the pressure of World War II traffic (noted by accountants …

Second Section – Trains of the Summer

Our theme this month includes the legend “second section”. Seasoned railroaders know that symbolized traffic that was so heavy that another section of a schedule train was required to handle crowds. Those crowds normally peaked during traditional holidays but became more a part of “standard operations” during summer months.  Railroads themselves started early on promotions …

A Tribute to Rail Transport in Great Britain

This month we pay a special tribute to the railroads of Great Britain. Just as Britain influenced colonial America, they too influenced the development of railroad transportation in the US. England holds claim to the earliest experiments with railroads and practical application of steam locomotives. In 1802, Richard Trevithick designed and built the first (unnamed) steam locomotive to run …