Five Essential Elements for Modeling the Age of Steam

There’s little doubt that steam locomotives have a certain romanticism to them. More than half a century beyond their final days in revenue service, they still remain integral to railroad imagery in popular culture today. If you’ve experienced steam locomotive trains in action, whether at a train museum or in service, you’ll understand why. From …


The History of the Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway

With less than 1000 route miles to its name, the Spokane, Portland, and Seattle Railroad was very much an underdog of mainline railroads. It was however a critical link for rail operations in the Pacific Northwest. Never intended for a prolonged existence, the railroad was jointly operated by the Great Northern and Northern Pacific for …


The Modern Era (1970-2021)

Following the Transitional Era, railroads were no longer the primary method for moving people and goods; they now had to adapt by shedding unprofitable services and aggressively embrace new freight car designs, partner with shippers to advance unit train operations and improve diesel-electric motive power designs. Working in concert with trucking companies, railroads developed trailer …