Too Many Wheels

The recent development and deployment of high horsepower, high adhesion diesel-electric locomotives represent the culmination of efforts to build a more powerful, efficient and reliable form of motive power. Midway in that technological journey 100 years ago, railroads built larger steam locomotives that featured too many wheels and not enough steaming capacity to make the …


Fun With Trains

The battle rages on between those model railroaders that are perfectionists when creating every aspect of their model railroad and its climate-controlled environment and those satisfied with something less perfect but fully satisfying. The battle started early in the scale movement and was not confined to actual craftsmanship and size of a model railroad empire …


Powering Amtrak’s Future

Amtrak’s fleet of new Charger and Sprinter locomotives materially changed the operation and visual image of US passenger service. Adapted from the successful. EuroSprinter designs, both classes of locomotives are delivering reliable performance and maintain creditable safety records. The electric locomotives are designed to be capable of accelerating 18 Amfleet cars to maximum speeds as high as …


Owl-Faced Outings

Getting out on the railroad is essential to better understand prototype railroad operations and experience the thrill of the mainline first hand. That experience can provide the motivation to more deeply research a specific carrier or route and later, share that experience in writing or model building. The demise of the traditional commuter locals, many …


4th of July 2024 – Let Freedom Ring

The importance of that message and reverence for that date was not lost on the AmericanRailroads, especially after prolonged World War II. That conflict, among other valuable lessons,revealed the dangers of imbalance in society and unchecked governance. Railroads and theFederal Government used those lessons learned to underscore the importance of freedom anddemocracy and took that …