CSX and recognizing the Mother of American Railroading

On November 1, 1980 Chessie System and Seaboard Coast Line merged to form the CSX Transportation. Much more than a merger to facilitate correction within the railroad industry, CSX introduced a new chapter of transportation that began when Baltimore businessmen met on February 27th, 1827 and chartered America’s First Railroad, the Baltimore & Ohio. True, …

Thoroughbred of Transportation – Expanded

This week we celebrate the merger of the Norfolk & Western and Southern Railway, including the major railroads that were acquired by both in the 20th century, to form transportation giant Norfolk Southern. That mix includes a large portion of the Penn Central Transportation Company (1968-1976) whose downfall triggered the need to revamp the traditional …

Christmas Garden

The planning and preparation commenced immediately after Thanksgiving and construction began as soon as the family Christmas tree was in place and fully decorated. The early displays featured country village, a church and a crèche, which were placed under the spreading boughs of pine. Later, lakes, hills, bridges and miniature model railroads were added to …

Thunder of the Railroad and Magic of Bright Lights

The very real voice of the railroad is the commanding thunder of a powerful locomotive. To be sure, the giant steam locomotives that once powered our Nation had an emotional and pictorial edge over electric locomotives or diesel-electrics. But each unique class of motive power has a distinctive and captivating sound that resonates in memory, …